
    l her bits off send 'em ba the hour every hour show them we're not to be trifled with

    reg: also, we're demanding a ten foot mahogany statue of the emperor julius caesar with his dock hangin' out

    pfj: ughing

    loretta: what? they'll never agree to that, reg

    reg: that's just a bar-- a bargaining ter and of course, we point out that they bear full responsibility when we chop her up, and that we shall not submit to bckmail!

    andos: no bckmail!

    reg: they've bled us white, the bastards they've takehing we had, and not just from us, from our fathers, and from our fathers' fathers

    loretta: and from our fathers' fathers' fathers

    reg: yeah

    loretta: and from our fathers' fathers' fathers' fathers

    reg: yeah all right, stan don't bour the point and what have they ever given us in rurn?!

    xerxes: the aqueduct?

    reg: what?

    xerxes: the aqueduct

    reg: oh yeah, yeah they did give us that uh, that's true yeah

    ando #3: and the sanitan

    loretta: oh, yeah, the sanitati remember what the city used to be like?

    reg: yeah all right i'll grant you the aquedud the sanitawo things that the romans have done

    matthias: and the roads

    reg: well, yeah obusly the roads i mean, the roads go without saying, don't they? but apart from the sanitan, the aqueduct, and the roads--


    xerxes: medie

    andos: huh? heh? huh

    ando #2: educan

    andos: ohh

    reg: yeah, yeah all right fair enough

    ando #1: and the wine

    andos: oh, yes yeah

    francis: yeah yeah, that's somhing we'd really miss, reg, if the roma huh

    ando: public baths

    loretta: and it's safe to walk ires at night n

    francis: yeah, they certainly know how to keep order l's face it they're the only ones who could in a pce like this

    andos: hehh, heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh

    reg: all right, but apart from the sanitan, the medie, educan, wine, public order, irrigan, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the romans ever done for us?

    xerxes: brought peace

    reg: oh peace? shut up!

